DNA is an independent Single Subspecialty medical practice that provides Neonatology Services at 6 hospitals in 2 counties.
DNA physicians are available 24/7 to provide one on one care with a separate Neonatologist dedicated to each individual hospital.
DNA Neonatologists are qualified and capable of providing ALL neonatal care required to treat and stabilize any neonatal condition, including but not limited to severe life threatening illnesses, extreme prematurity, the medical components of neonatal surgery (general, cardiac – non-open heart, urologic, and neurosurgical), metabolic and chromosomal disorders, cardiac disorders, neurologic disorders and life threatening infections.
We also specialize in the care of multiples including twins, triplets, quadruplets and quintuplets.
For more specific services or to inquire about specific disorders or conditions, information can be obtained through the individual hospitals or by contacting us at office@dupage-neo.com